The vague 90-day release window for CyanogenMod 12 has done nothing to stop my craving for Lollipop on my OnePlus One. Luckily, there are other "unofficial" means of getting my hands on it. Since CyanogenMod still gives users a way of building their own variants of their ROM, we can install user-compiled versions of CM 12 pretty easily.
Remember, this is not a build that CyanogenMod or OnePlus has released themselves. Instead, this ROM is put together by XDA user bpear96. It should also go without saying that this is still a testing build, so bugs are bound to pop up. This build has been fairly stable for me, but of course, having a recent backup of your device is a must.
This is going to be a normal ROM installation, so make sure you have a rooted OnePlus One with TWRP installed before continuing below.
Download CM 12 & Google Apps on Your One
Along with the ZIP file for CM 12 below, you'll also need a Google apps package because core apps are not included in CyanogenMod builds.
In the future, it would be a good idea to check the original thread to see if newer builds have been released. And in case you were wondering, this build is compatible with MultiROM, so you can dual-boot with your current ROM if so desired.
Download the AK Kernel on Your One
One of the bugs that has plagued all the recent builds of CyanogenMod 12 is the lack of a functional video recorder. The issue lies within the kernel, so by flashing a modified kernel, the problem is moot. In this case, we'll be using the AK Kernel by developer AK.
Wipe Your One
Now that you have your files downloaded to your device, it's time to wipe your old ROM. Boot into Recovery mode by enabling "Advanced Reboot" from the "Developer options" setting, then select "Recovery" from your Power Menu.
Once in TWRP, tap on Wipe -> Advanced Wipe and select "Dalvik Cache," "System," "Data," and "Cache." After the wipe is finished, your old ROM will be completely erased from your OnePlus One.

Install CyanogenMod 12
You are now ready for Lollipop, so tap "Install" and select your CM 12 file you downloaded in Step #1. After the install finishes, you will need to flash the Google apps package, then the kernel. Once all of the installs have finished, tap on "Reboot System" to get started setting up your device on Android 5.0.

Gain Root Access (Optional)
Root access does not come with this mod, but as long as you flash the linked "" (courtesy of Chainfire) file below through TWRP, it will be restored.
Enable Soft Keys (Optional)
Since this build is far from final, some of the smaller features that came with the OnePlus One have been left out. The on-screen navigation bar was one of those features, but it can be easily restored by editing your build.prop file. However, you will need to be rooted for this to work since you are editing a system file.
I will be using Build Prop Editor to do this, but any other root-capable file editor will work. All you have to do is add a new entry by tapping the + icon on the bottom of the app with the following values:
- Property Name: qemu.hw.mainkeys
- Property Value: 0

Enjoy Lollipop!
Pretty much everything works for me aside from an app force-closing every now and then.

If you have any issues or just want to share your favorite Lollipop features, be sure to drop me a comment below, and make sure to follow Gadget Hacks over on Facebook and Twitter for more Android mods.
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